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“The great thing about Ayurveda is that its treatments always yield side benefits, not side effects.”

The practice of using herbal supplements dates back thousands of years. Today, the use of herbal supplements is common among American consumers. However, they are not for everyone. Because they are not subject to close scrutiny by the FDA, or other governing agencies, the use of herbal supplements remains controversial.

  • Herbal supplements are well tolerated by people who are allergic to components in prescription drugs.

  • A major advantage of herbal supplements is its affordability.

  • Herbal supplements are strongly recommended in curing intense and persistent sickness.

  • Lowers Risk Of Side Effects. Herbal supplements are well tolerated by people who are allergic to components in prescription drugs.

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Why use herbal medicine ?

How does herbal medicine work ?

Indian herbs work on a synergistic level with acupuncture. Herbs have been used safely and medicinally for over thousands of years with minimal side effects when prescribed correctly by a trained herbalist. What makes Indian herbs particularly safe and effective is the art of combining herbs to form a carefully balanced prescription, or herbal formula.

Are herbal products effective ?

Are the products tested ?

Does these products have any side-effects ?

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What is the purpose of a garden?

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